Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Ok, I promised that I would do a Jenny Craig expose on the costs of the program at the end of the month.

JC expenditures for the month of January 2006:

Program sign-up fee: $59
1st week of food: $99.84
2nd week of food: $90.84
3rd week of food: $98.28
4th week of food: $37.89

Total for Jenny Craig food: $385.63

Supplemental fruits, vegetables and fresh dairy products:

Total for the month: $174.42

Other food and hygiene products for Zac and I: $209.12

This is one of those times that I wish this blog wasn't as frightfully honest as it is. My whopping grand total for food and hygiene for the month is $769.17. Yeah, ummm....yeah. If we put that into perspective for a moment, I'll just say that's more than I spent on rent this month.

Let's go to some of the better news. I will need to be weighed in on Saturday for the "official" weightloss total, but it's somewhere between 10-12 pounds in five weeks. I lost six pounds the first week and was starving the entire time. In week two, I lost another two pounds. Then I entered into the maelstorm of stress and hormones. In week three, I lost .2 pounds. In week four, I gained that back and then a little bit more. My emotional affect was so flat at my consultation that my Jenny Craig counselor told me that she was worried about me. She said that I should call her anytime I wanted, just to talk. Not even about food, just about my life.

Even though I had purchased Jenny Craig food for week two and three, I had hardly eaten any of it. I was too busy binging on pizza and nachos to bother heating up my pre-packaged, two-bites of nothing. Crying while hungry has to be the worst thing that someone could do, so I didn't. I comforted and congratulated myself for submitting my the federal proposal with food. My negative food habits reamined intact, regarless of the amount of money I spent on healthy food and nutritional counseling.

It's only in the last week or so that I started to re-evaluate what I've been doing with food. Since I had so much Jenny Craig food leftover, I only had to buy $38 worth of meals the last week. I spent $30 to purchase a motivational CD and DVD called, "Touchstones to Success". Before you roll your eyes, just know that it is actually good. It has helped me at least notice the cycle of binging, even though I haven't been able to completely end it. I'm not sure I'll ever really be able to think of food as something other than a way to soothe and comfort myself.

That's my ultimate goal and I'm working towards it. Did I mention that my double chin is more of a chin-and-a-half now? :)


Anonymous said...

I've resolved to not freak about my weight. I'm always working towards a better mindset, but dieting is not my thing. i have to convince myself it's just my life, period.

Living somewhere where everything is deep fried and covered in chocolate doesn't help though. Sigh.

Focus on being content with yourself, and the rest will follow. Personally, I'm content, and don't care about my fat ass most of the time. It's kinda nice.

Pregnant In Texas said...

*Drooling*....deep fried and covered in chocolate....yummmmmmmm.

*Trying to snap out of it* Um, sorry, yeah, right...I completely understand what you are saying Thordora. What I'm doing (or trying to do if I was being honest) is more about changing my relationship to food to gain a better mindset. My fat ass doesn't bother me on most days. It would just like the days that it does bother me to be a little fewer and farther between.